Supporting Your Parish Financially
Supporting Your ParishFinancially

There are many ways to support the parish, whether by making a one-off donation or as a regular contribution. Below you will find details of how to donate by Standing Order, direct bank transfer or via a QR code.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Standing Orders

The easiest way to donate to the Parish is by Standing Order. Donations can be set up to leave your bank account on a recurring basis e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly. If you have online banking, this can be set up online using the bank details below, or you can download a Standing Order form and post it to your bank. If you do not have a printer or online banking, Standing Order forms can either be downloaded and printed or collected from St Marie’s or St Joseph’s churches. If you wish to make a one-off donation only, this can be done by a bank transfer.
Name of payee: St Marie and St Joseph’s, Bury
Sort code: 20-55-34
Account number: 30442917
Gift Aid

Gift Aid is the scheme used by charities to reclaim tax on charitable giving. It means that if you are a UK tax payer, the diocese can reclaim tax for the parish on all your donations. Anyone who pays income tax on earnings, pension or savings is eligible to join the scheme. For every £1 you give, our parish will receive an additional 25p from the Inland Revenue. It is an easy way for the parish to earn extra income at no additional cost to you. The only stipulation is that you need to be paying at least the equivalent amount in tax as the parish will reclaim from the tax man. To join, simply download the form (or alternatively collect from the back of either church).
Gift Aiders can either donate by Standing Order or by using numbered envelopes which are placed in the offertory collection. Please select your choice by ticking the relevant box on the form.
Thank you for your ongoing support.