Parish Blog

Re-opening Soon
- 2 September 2020 11.08 am
We now have some more news regarding the re-opening of St Joseph’s and St Marie’s.

Coronavirus Update: Public Masses
- 27 June 2020 6.41 pm
The Government has given permission for churches to re-open for public worship from 4th July. Along with most churches in our diocese, we will not be able to re-open by then.

The Veil Removed
- 17 June 2020 2.04 pm
The Veil Removed is a short film that “reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church”. The film is available at The Veil Removed Website.

Our Faith in Times of Pandemic
- 27 March 2020 2.06 pm
In these unusual times when we can’t attend Holy Mass on Sundays, or even go to church for private prayer, what are we to do? We need to live our Faith in a different way. We can create a place in our homes where we and members of the family can go to pray alone…

Jim Hyndman Awarded Benemerenti Medal
- 21 January 2020 10.43 pm
Jim Hyndman, one of our parishioners, has been awarded the Bene Merenti Medal by Pope Francis for his services to the Parish, Catholic Education and the local Community.

St Marie’s Lantern and Tower Update
- 5 January 2020 6.13 pm
Our contractors, Lloyd and Smith Ltd., have worked hard both inside and outside the church. The west wall of the church is some forty inches thick, covered by between four and six inches of plaster inside. When the plaster around the main roof purlins was removed to allow the rotted sections of those purlins to…

First Holy Communion at St Marie’s
- 22 June 2019 11.00 pm
As work continues on the outside of the church the life of the parish continues with the usual round of liturgies and Masses. On Sunday 16th June we celebrated the First Holy Communion Mass with the children and families of St Marie’s school. We were blessed with a warm, sunny afternoon and the church was…