Parish Blog

The Work Continues…
- 22 June 2019 10.51 pm
Wednesday 12th June saw further development with the arrival of the work cabins that will be used as offices and places for the workers to take meal breaks etc during the project. The large cabins are located in the front of the presbytery car park and will be there for the duration of the project. …

The Work Begins
- 22 June 2019 10.40 pm
After what has seemed like an age of planning meetings and discussions about work to the lantern tower at St Marie’s we have finally reached the day when work can begin. Monday 10th June will be a day forever in my memory. Full of excitement and enthusiasm (it doesn’t happen often) I rose from my…

Baptism of Baby Ada
- 14 May 2019 12.59 am
‘I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’. With these words the priest welcomes another member into Holy Mother Church and claims them for Christ our Saviour by the sign of His Cross. Recently I had the joy of baptising baby Ada at St Joseph’s…

Good Shepherd Sunday – Thoughts on the Priesthood
- 14 May 2019 12.54 am
The character CJ in the Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin was famous for saying ‘I didn’t get where I am today by…..’ A number of my friends bring me down to earth by reminding me ‘I know exactly how you got to where you are today’. Today, the Fourth Sunday of Eastertide is traditionally…

May is the Month of Mary
- 14 May 2019 12.45 am
The month of May has traditionally been associated with Our Lady. During it is traditional to honour Our Lady by placing a crown of flowers upon her head – the crowning of Our Lady. It is a much loved devotion in the Church and one that we should treasure. The Image of Our Lady was…

Palm Sunday 2019
- 14 April 2019 9.21 pm
Here are a few pictures from our celebration at St Marie’s with the Blessing of Palms and Procession as we recall Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Walk with the Lord in this Holy Week. Stay close to Him in His Passion for the life of the Lord. Through His Death and Resurrection we have…

Tower Update
- 29 March 2019 11.37 am
Just to keep our interested readers and supporters (especially players of the National Lottery) up to date with our project I thought a little blog post was timely. You will recall that on the advice of our architect, the parish applied to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (HLF) in August 2017 for a grant towards…

Baptism – Welcome!
- 29 March 2019 12.49 am
‘Austin, the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name I claim you for Christ our Saviour by the sign of His Cross. I now trace the cross on your forehead and invite your parents and godparents to do the same.’ With these words Holy Mother Church welcomes a new member…

Saint Patrick’s Day
- 22 March 2019 5.10 pm
To celebrate St Patrick’s Day we served Gaelic Coffee after both Masses. It was a great way to bring people together and have a bit of fun at the same time. Proceeds from donations made for the coffee raised a staggering £522. This money will go to support our nursing and medical team on our…